Life in the Bend

Legal Parents!!! Travel Dates!!!
December 14, 2007, 6:14 pm
Filed under: adoption, Atticus, Norah

We’re legally the parents of Norah and Atticus!!!! I just returned home from work to find a message that our adoption coordinator left yesterday asking us to call. My cell phone has been dead all day and we were at a Christmas party late last night, so I was a little behind on my messages. Anyhow, the lawyer for our agency was able to present our case to the Ethiopian court early yesterday and we made it. It’s official.

We were also given an embassy date and a travel date. We need to be in Addis Ababa on February 4th to begin filling out paperwork and our embassy date will be February 7th. We should be returning home on the 11th. Of course, those dates are slightly approximate because we still need to book flights. Still, in seven and a half weeks we’ll be meeting our kids for the first time. Can you believe it?!!!! I can’t!

Legal Parents!!! Travel Dates!!!
December 14, 2007, 6:14 pm
Filed under: adoption, Atticus, Norah

We’re legally the parents of Norah and Atticus!!!! I just returned home from work to find a message that our adoption coordinator left yesterday asking us to call. My cell phone has been dead all day and we were at a Christmas party late last night, so I was a little behind on my messages. Anyhow, the lawyer for our agency was able to present our case to the Ethiopian court early yesterday and we made it. It’s official.

We were also given an embassy date and a travel date. We need to be in Addis Ababa on February 4th to begin filling out paperwork and our embassy date will be February 7th. We should be returning home on the 11th. Of course, those dates are slightly approximate because we still need to book flights. Still, in seven and a half weeks we’ll be meeting our kids for the first time. Can you believe it?!!!! I can’t!